I remember wishing for snowfall while I stayed in Delhi. It'd get cold, often falling into the low 30's. 30 degree weather would be a welcome change now, but back then, it felt frostbitten. Living in cold weather, but never cold enough for it to snow felt like a cruel joke. I always wanted to see snow, see the ground go from green to white. I had seen snow before, but it was the "been on the ground forever, possibly has frozen dinosaurs perfectly preserved, it's so old" kind(yay, Swiss alps). I got my first chance during my first spring semester at IU. It was a Friday night, and around 4 a.m., it started snowing pretty hard. I was out, (dad, read:I was curled up in bed, asleep :) ) and it looked like this might be the big accumulation I had been hoping for. Next morning, by which I mean 1 p.m.( 9 a.m., mom), I awoke to find the green field quadrangle outside my dorm covered in snow. I don't remember how deep it was, or how cold it was. I remember getting into my very first snowball fight. And trying to build a snowman. It was crazy hard, and we ended up making a small 12 inch high dog-puppy shapeless thing called snowy. It was all quite exciting, and fun, till Monday struck, and I had to trek to class. It had stopped snowing, and the roads and sidewalks were clean. My brain did not comprehend this, and I fell down three times that day. By the end of that day, I was hoping for a snow month, if not, at least a snow day. It was then that I was told about IU's policy about snow days: "It's an urban legend we do not indulge in."
But that valentine's day (02/14/07, aah, good times), IU did indulge in it. After an intense snow storm that had me stranded at the mall for over an hour while waiting for a ride, IU declared all classes suspended till 1 p.m. After the initial celebration, I realized my classes only started from 2:30 that day. Dang it.
So, you have to understand my jubilation when a storm much like the one from "The Day After Tomorrow" descended on Bloomington last Monday. I had five classes on Tuesday, three of which started before 1. I was certain IU would cancel classes on Tuesday. I was going to be able to skip my finance quiz! But Tuesday came and went, and there was no such luck. I had my classes, and I had my quizzes(yes, plural). Then IU did cancel classes. Till noon. On Wednesday. When my only class was poetry, at 2:30. I was beginning to think IU was doing this on purpose. No such thing as a coincidence, right? But IU was listening, prayers and all, and gave us its first snow day in almost 30 years.
So IU got a snow day, I turned 20, and the world looked like this:

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