This weekend we celebrated valentines day, while I celebrated a multitude of other things: Stay in bed all day day, Singles Awareness Day, Happy Bailout Hallmark day, If I see another happy couple on the streets I'm going to scream day... you get the point. So, in keeping with this mother of all non-holidays, here's a poem that goes against all love poems by Pam Wagner (who, in all honesty, I had not heard of till my googling "Anti love poems" about 10 minutes back).
(Sidenote: If anybody reads this and says or even thinks "grapes are sour", I will squish you. Much like a grape.)
Against Love Poems
Let Love Turn its Cheek
Love is a stranger, a curse, a gift
I have not given or taken,
neither in drabs
nor in abundance,
demanding soft collapse of skin on skin
flesh quickened, anticipation
I cannot parse or feel
but as a worm writhing in palms
of human curiosity
the parching sunlit desert
that sucks and kills.
I feel bereft
not of love's sheer
agony, leisures, pleasures, joy
but of the touch
of earth's crumbling warmth
wormy between my fingers
the sweetness of gravid loam
buttered with seed,
hopeful root hairs rooting in darkness,
star-nosed moles blindly
snuffling out the delicacy
within each clod.
Love is, if only, a word
twisted, double-tongued,
bladed to cut more than it cleaves,
an avowal of falsity and pomp,
of circumstance always changing,
like lies, rotting fruit,
an overblown cabbage rose.
Send me instead friends
of the aspens quaking-yellow patience,
spruces loyal-true,
a dark, moon-drowned sky
prickly with stars that neither love
nor claim to know my name.
That will do.
While the earth still slides around the sun
they will neither die for me,
nor remember me when I'm gone.
Let love turn a moldy cheek
and over in its grave.
I love your blog Srimoyee..I really do. :)