Thursday, February 12, 2009

I got sent home from class :(

I've been slightly sick over the past few days (weeks?), and I finally decided to go see a doctor yesterday. I figured it was a routine cough running it's course, but when my voice started to resemble Kermit's and I ran through an entire bottle of NyQuil without any respite, I figured maybe help was needed. With the health center being so close to the business school I figured I'd just go in to see the doctor, and be off to classes. How long was it going to take? 40 minutes? To be safe, I scheduled my appointment with the doctor an hour before class. Much like most things in life, this didn't work out. The pharmacy was backed up, and I reached class half and hour after it started. The doc told me I had a flu-like disease, and I was to get rest and some very potent medication. I left the health center thinking he had completely overreacted to a few coughs. He had not. How do I know? As I walked into my class, the first thing my prof said to me was "Are you sick? Go home! Lie Down!"
I thought he was kidding.
He actually ordered me out of class, and told me to make sure I was wrapped under a blanket immediately. I had to go to work right after class, so I went there. Pretty much the same conversation happened there, and I figured I must look like a corpse if every one was treating me like a pariah. So I did what they wanted from me. I went home, curled up with some hot soup.
That was just about when my computer crashed.

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