Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boo Midterms

There are many styles of organization. Some of us live our lives having carefully planned our way, some of us just play it by ear. I live from deadline to deadline. There is nothing wrong with any of these styles, if it gets the job done then it works. However, I am currently suffering from acute will-not-concentrate syndrome, which is why instead of studying for my midterm tomorrow, I am trying to beat my high score in crazy taxi. Which is why my laptop screen looks like this:

and not this:

Sigh, lack of motivation.

Though that's not even the right word, because I am very motivated to beat my high score. Just not in studying up for the exam tomorrow. It's just not urgent enough yet, and somehow I have come to realize that I do my best the closer a deadline is. So maybe this is my brain's way of waiting it out till it is legitimately 4 hours before the midterm, at which point of time it will be urgent enough to capture my attention. That way I don't waste hours and hours working on something that at the opportune moment will take me half the time. Optimal utilization of brain space, I tell you. It's genius!!

UPDATE - Yipee, just crossed the 80k mark! Woohoo! Going to finish studying for the midterm. Right after I hit 100k :)

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