Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boo Midterms

There are many styles of organization. Some of us live our lives having carefully planned our way, some of us just play it by ear. I live from deadline to deadline. There is nothing wrong with any of these styles, if it gets the job done then it works. However, I am currently suffering from acute will-not-concentrate syndrome, which is why instead of studying for my midterm tomorrow, I am trying to beat my high score in crazy taxi. Which is why my laptop screen looks like this:

and not this:

Sigh, lack of motivation.

Though that's not even the right word, because I am very motivated to beat my high score. Just not in studying up for the exam tomorrow. It's just not urgent enough yet, and somehow I have come to realize that I do my best the closer a deadline is. So maybe this is my brain's way of waiting it out till it is legitimately 4 hours before the midterm, at which point of time it will be urgent enough to capture my attention. That way I don't waste hours and hours working on something that at the opportune moment will take me half the time. Optimal utilization of brain space, I tell you. It's genius!!

UPDATE - Yipee, just crossed the 80k mark! Woohoo! Going to finish studying for the midterm. Right after I hit 100k :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Quick Round-up of HAY-vrything

I know, I know, I haven't updated this in a while. I would like to blame it on classes, work or life in general, but none of these are valid excuses. A responsibility is a responsibility. I was going to talk about how the weather got better, and then it fell back below freezing. So that went out the window. I was going to talk about Spring Break, so, here goes. Miami was fun, colder than expected. I could die on a beach. And despite the amount and quantity of sunblock I used, I am now about 5 different shades of brown.

I also got a tattoo! (I hate needles, which is why it's just henna)

Anyways, I am now 40 days away from finishing up this semester and being home free. The second wave of midterms are just about to start. On the other hand, it's almost April. Which means spring is officially here. AND lil 5! Woot!