These are the trials of our times
“I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness….”
Allen Ginsburg
Recession is the big bad wolf under the bed
that actually ate your grandma, while Bernie madeoff with her house, home, clothes and bone. The reign
of four letter words is over, foulest
of the foul are three lettered: AIG. No one
can find the bloody box we were supposed to be thin-
-king outside of. Must’ve invested with Bernie.
It started on a bull, so money flowed
freely and jobs were plentiful. The philosophy
major, the beat poet, the drop out with the crack problem:
they were all employed with six figure
salaries, hired to walk the street and sell
their wares. Wallets thickened, skins too.
Souls disappeared as the dream of sticking
it to the man was replaced with a fat 401(k).
Global warming, terrorists,
Vampires are supposed to now sparkle??
The apocalypse is nigh, horsemen are here:
Spears, Miley, Joe, Nick, and the other jonas.
And then we have their leader, the face of this doom,
Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff, aka buffoon.
50 billion in a Ponzi scheme that vanished,
left his blood thirsty investors famished.
Had he succeeded, he they would have heralded.
Named it after him, the "Madoff Method"
Made the rounds lecturing the world.
Ah! But the icing on the cake and all that fun,
Bernie Madoff was turned in by his son.
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