Big things happened this week. Obama officially became president (flubbed oath or not). Kate Winslet *finally* won a Golden Globe, and made the millions who hate public speaking feel better about themselves. Slumdog got itself 10 oscar nominations, and I have nothing to say about that. I haven't seen Slumdog yet, and I will when(if) it comes to bloomington. I am expecting way too much from this movie, and as a rule, I get annoyed at movies that portray India as a dirt-poor country filled with noisy raggy people where civilization does not exist. I don't think Slumdog does this, but I heard one of the film's crew talking about the "harsh realities" of shooting in mumbai, and she made liking India sound like a case of the stockholm syndrome.
India really needs to understand that its image is not built by movies like Slumdog Millionaire, and it should not stake claim to such movies. Am I proud of Slumdog? Yes. But I am proud as a lover of the triumph of an underdog, a small budget movie making it big. I'm not proud because of it being shot in India, because of it having an indian cast, or because of it being "somewhat indian".
I'm over analyzing.
A really good oscar nom? Taraji P Henson. She REALLY deserves it, and it's good to see a non-usual (yeah, another word I just made up: not unusual, non-usual. The difference is in the subtleties) name in the award circles. Besides, who didn't LOVE her in Boston Legal?
Anyways, it's high time I stop blogging, and go back to doing assignments. Ah, lazy lazy Saturdays.
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