Monday, October 25, 2010

Of missings and musings

This past weekend two of my friends who have either graduated or transferred (temporarily, hopefully) from IU came back to bloomington. This is my 5th year of being around btown, and I always thought I was the only one who missed the little stuff about the town when I'm gone. Apparently, we all miss the same little things :)

For example, I miss the starbucks that's open 24 hours, but doesn't serve between 3:30am-4:30am, something I discovered while on one of my many all nighters. I miss the fact that the library is always deserted the friday of finals week, and impossible to study in during finals week because of the hub bub. I miss the weird way college mall is the only mall in town, and I often just say "lets go to the mall" even if I'm in a city of many malls. It's little things like this that make you belong to a town and have that town belong to you.

My friends, for example, miss the nights we spent working at the library, or the number of times we lurked around the showalter fountain at all odd times. Which, by the way, is missing a fish (!)

I'm graduating in 53 days, and as that countdown ticks on, I find myself saying "I'm ready to be done" a lot less, and getting all nostalgic about a lot of things I never thought I'd miss. Btown, what have you done to me?

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